Educational equipment
Proposals from tenderers are being sought to supply and deliver sustainable (where possible) products, install and remove/re-use and maintain construction studies, wood machining and preparation room and/or engineering and/or technology and drawing equipment and machinery in St Marys CBS, Enniscorthy. It is intended to award a contract to a single service provider for each of the lots, (Lot 1 to Lot 3). Tenderers must be able to supply each item on the specification list as per the lot tendered for as provided. an incomplete lot will not be considered. The School requires a high quality, flexible and responsive service evolving towards green sustainable options, for the draw-down of the goods over an extended period with agreed timelines for delivery of goods with the successful tenderer(s). Tenderers are also requested to consider their use for the trade-in items listed, disconnect them where required, remove them and offer a price/credit for those items. Construction studies, wood machining and preparation classroom, equipment and machinery based on the new September 2020 specifications by the Department of Education, for post-primary schools. Some existing items of machinery/equipment is to be removed and re-used/recycled for credit preferably, as they are in good working order. Some of the new proposed items are to have a maintenance programme where appropriate. All details highlighted in the excel pricing sheet documents. Engineering classroom, equipment and machinery based on the new September 2020 specifications by the Department of Education, for post-primary schools. Some existing items of machinery/equipment is to be removed and re-used/recycled for credit preferably, as they are in good working order. Some of the new proposed items are to have a maintenance programme where appropriate. All details highlighted in the excel pricing sheet documents. Applied/Technology classroom, equipment and machinery based on the new September 2020 specifications by the Department of Education, for post-primary schools. Some existing items of machinery/equipment is to be removed and re-used/recycled for credit preferably, as they are in good working order. Some of the new proposed items are to have a maintenance programme where appropriate. All details highlighted in the excel pricing sheet documents.
Publish date
4 years ago
Close date
4 years ago
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St. Mary's C.B.S (Enniscorthy)
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- John Ryan
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