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UKRI-4123 Magnetic Shields for PIP-II Cryomodules



1,100,000 GBP


UKRI wishes to establish a Contract for the provision of Magnetic Shields for PIP-II Cryomdoules. The site address for delivery of the goods and/or services is: UK Research and Innovation Science and Technology Facilities Council Sci-Tech Daresbury Daresbury Laboratory Keckwick Lane Warrington WA4 4AD Lot 1: The estimated value of the opportunity is: For the PIP-II magnetic shield, £600,000.00 -£730,000.00 Excluding VAT For Optional Items which is a third set of the Magnetic Shields, there is an additional £300,000.00 Excluding VAT, if all options are taken. Note, these are options and are not guaranteed. Therefore the total estimated potential value for this tender opportunity is £900,000.00-£1,100,00.00 Excluding VAT. The site address for delivery of the goods and/or services is: UK Research and Innovation Science and Technology Facilities Council Sci-Tech Daresbury Daresbury Laboratory Keckwick Lane Warrington WA4 4AD The Proton Improvement Plan II (PIP-II) is an upgrade of the Fermilab accelerator complex, that generates the world’s most intense neutrino beam travelling 1300 km from Illinois to the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE) in South Dakota. DUNE scientists will use neutrinos to answer some of the most profound questions about our universe. In addition, the high-power proton beams sourced by PIP-II will enable muon-based experiments to search for new particles and forces at unprecedented levels of precision and a diverse physics program powering new discoveries for decades to come.


Publish date

6 months ago

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5 months ago

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UK Research & Innovation

STFC Procurement

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