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Contact Centre Management System



Leeds Federated is seeking to appoint a suitably skilled and experienced contact centre management system provider to supply and maintain an effective inbound and outbound communications platform. Leeds Federated currently have a small but growing Customer Service team with 12 users including operatives, staff with supervisory system access, and a contact centre manager. In addition to the core customer contact centre, Staff in the Leeds Federated Income team, and Neighbourhood team require access to a system which also allows for incoming and outgoing call management. In line with current and future requirements over the next three years, Leeds Federated is seeking a contract management system with the ability to service up to 50 users concurrently via VOIP, ideally via a desktop platform in addition to a mobile solution.Leeds Federated are seeking to appoint a partner that can meet current and future requirements in terms of providing a leading customer contact solution for both inbound and outbound communication primarily in terms of voice calls, but also via alternative media. Leeds Federated understand that an effective contact management platform has the ability to add significant value to the levels of customer service offered, and as such is seeking a solution that is simple to use, intuitive, and offers high levels of statistical insight, both in terms of customer contact, but also operative behaviour.Further details are contained within the tender documents.


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Leeds Federated Housing Association

Helen Thompkins

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