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Framework Agreement for the provision of Sewerage, Servicing and Desludging



280,000 GBP


This agreement is to provide the service, maintenance and desludging of sewage treatment plant and sewage pumping stations for all properties under the administration of Staffordshire County Council and any others that may be added as required by the Authority. This agreement includes the following, which shall be deemed as included within the tendered service charge (i.e. no additional costs shall be accepted unless otherwise stated): Four evenly scheduled service visits per annum to sewage treatment plant. Four evenly scheduled service visits per annum to sewage pumping stations. Desludging of sewage plant, pumping stations and grease traps (where present on RBC or package plant) as may be necessary. This work is to be scheduled to coincide with the service visit and shall be charged at the tendered rates provided within the Pricing Schedule. 24-hour emergency call out cover, 365 days per year with a maximum 4-hour response time. Please note this is a single supplier Framework Agreement. Additional information: Open threshold process to award a Single Supplier Framework Agreement. Suppliers should set up a profile on Proactis by completing their company details first. Then registering their interest to this specific tender opportunity by searching under reference IA3534. Any questions regarding this opportunity should go through the 'message function'. Please do not contact the Buyer direct.


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Staffordshire County Council


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