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Rooftop Development Framework



200,000,000 GBP


Watford Community Housing ("WCH") sought Tenders from suitably skilled and experienced suppliers for the Design, Supply & Installations of Rooftop Development under this four-year, multi-lot framework. This framework seeks to offer the benefits of bespoke rooftop developments that create the provision of additional dwellings. The framework will provide additional services to support other rooftop developments. The framework is to operate across England and Wales and will be open to all UK public sector bodies to access via a Joining Agreement between WCH, the supplier and Pretium Frameworks Ltd, who WCH has appointed to administer the framework on its behalf. The framework will comprise of 5 lots. Lot 1: RTD Superstructure Watford Community Housing ("WCH") sought Tenders from suitably skilled and experienced suppliers for the Design, Supply & Installations of Rooftop Development under this four-year, multi-lot framework. This framework seeks to offer the benefits of bespoke rooftop developments that create the provision of additional dwellings. The framework will provide additional services to support other rooftop developments. The framework is to operate across the UK and will be open to all UK public sector bodies to access via a Joining Agreement between WCH, the supplier and Pretium Frameworks Ltd, who WCH has appointed to administer the framework on its behalf. Project manage and collaborate with the framework user through the complete process from feasibility through to design, supply and install the lightweight metal Rooftop Development superstructure. Additional information: This lot will be awarded to a single supplier. Lot 2: RTD Constructor Watford Community Housing ("WCH") sought Tenders from suitably skilled and experienced suppliers for the Design, Supply & Installations of Rooftop Development under this four-year, multi-lot framework. This framework seeks to offer the benefits of bespoke rooftop developments that create the provision of additional dwellings. The framework will provide additional services to support other rooftop developments. The framework is to operate across England and Wales and will be open to all UK public sector bodies to access via a Joining Agreement between WCH, the supplier and Pretium Frameworks Ltd, who WCH has appointed to administer the framework on its behalf. The constructors within this lot will work with the Lot 1 provider in enabling works for the RTD Superstructure. The lot 1 provider will be responsible for designing, manufacturing and installing the superstructure. The Lot 2 constructor will then deliver all required works to enable the RTD units to be habitable. This is likely to include first and second fix works which will be specified on a project by project basis. Additional information: It is envisaged that this Lot will be awarded to 6 constructors. Lot 3.1: RTD Professional Services Architect This framework seeks to offer the benefits of bespoke rooftop developments that create the provision of additional dwellings. The framework will provide additional services to support other rooftop developments. The framework is to operate across England and Wales and will be open to all UK public sector bodies to access via a Joining Agreement between WCH, the supplier and Pretium Frameworks Ltd, who WCH has appointed to administer the framework on its behalf. This Lot will create a framework of RTD professional architects that will be engaged to provide support within the RTD processes of Lot 1 and Lot 2. These services will be defined on a project by project basis. Additional information: It is envisaged that this Lot will be awarded to 6 suppliers Lot 3.2: RTD Professional Services Employers Agents This framework seeks to offer the benefits of bespoke rooftop developments that create the provision of additional dwellings. The framework will provide additional services to support other rooftop developments. The framework is to operate across England and Wales and will be open to all UK public sector bodies to access via a Joining Agreement between WCH, the supplier and Pretium Frameworks Ltd, who WCH has appointed to administer the framework on its behalf. This Lot will create a framework of RTD professional employers agents that will be engaged to provide support within the RTD processes of Lot 1 and Lot 2. These services will be defined on a project by project basis. Additional information: It is envisaged that this Lot will be awarded to 6 suppliers Lot 3.3: RTD Professional Services Structural Engineers This framework seeks to offer the benefits of bespoke rooftop developments that create the provision of additional dwellings. The framework will provide additional services to support other rooftop developments. The framework is to operate across England and Wales and will be open to all UK public sector bodies to access via a Joining Agreement between WCH, the supplier and Pretium Frameworks Ltd, who WCH has appointed to administer the framework on its behalf. This Lot will create a framework of RTD professional structural engineers that will be engaged to provide support within the RTD processes of Lot 1 and Lot 2. These services will be defined on a project by project basis. Additional information: It is envisaged that this Lot will be awarded to 6 suppliers Lot 1: RTD Superstructure Watford Community Housing ("WCH") sought Tenders from suitably skilled and experienced suppliers for the Design, Supply & Installations of Rooftop Development under this four-year, multi-lot framework. This framework seeks to offer the benefits of bespoke rooftop developments that create the provision of additional dwellings. The framework will provide additional services to support other rooftop developments. The framework is to operate across the UK and will be open to all UK public sector bodies to access via a Joining Agreement between WCH, the supplier and Pretium Frameworks Ltd, who WCH has appointed to administer the framework on its behalf. Project manage and collaborate with the framework user through the complete process from feasibility through to design, supply and install the lightweight metal Rooftop Development superstructure. Additional information: This lot will be awarded to a single supplier. Lot 2: RTD Constructor Watford Community Housing ("WCH") sought Tenders from suitably skilled and experienced suppliers for the Design, Supply & Installations of Rooftop Development under this four-year, multi-lot framework. This framework seeks to offer the benefits of bespoke rooftop developments that create the provision of additional dwellings. The framework will provide additional services to support other rooftop developments. The framework is to operate across England and Wales and will be open to all UK public sector bodies to access via a Joining Agreement between WCH, the supplier and Pretium Frameworks Ltd, who WCH has appointed to administer the framework on its behalf. The constructors within this lot will work with the Lot 1 provider in enabling works for the RTD Superstructure. The lot 1 provider will be responsible for designing, manufacturing and installing the superstructure. The Lot 2 constructor will then deliver all required works to enable the RTD units to be habitable. This is likely to include first and second fix works which will be specified on a project by project basis. Additional information: It is envisaged that this Lot will be awarded to 6 constructors. Lot 3.1: RTD Professional Services Architect This framework seeks to offer the benefits of bespoke rooftop developments that create the provision of additional dwellings. The framework will provide additional services to support other rooftop developments. The framework is to operate across England and Wales and will be open to all UK public sector bodies to access via a Joining Agreement between WCH, the supplier and Pretium Frameworks Ltd, who WCH has appointed to administer the framework on its behalf. This Lot will create a framework of RTD professional architects that will be engaged to provide support within the RTD processes of Lot 1 and Lot 2. These services will be defined on a project by project basis. Additional information: It is envisaged that this Lot will be awarded to 6 suppliers Lot 3.2: RTD Professional Services Employers Agents This framework seeks to offer the benefits of bespoke rooftop developments that create the provision of additional dwellings. The framework will provide additional services to support other rooftop developments. The framework is to operate across England and Wales and will be open to all UK public sector bodies to access via a Joining Agreement between WCH, the supplier and Pretium Frameworks Ltd, who WCH has appointed to administer the framework on its behalf. This Lot will create a framework of RTD professional employers agents that will be engaged to provide support within the RTD processes of Lot 1 and Lot 2. These services will be defined on a project by project basis. Additional information: It is envisaged that this Lot will be awarded to 6 suppliers Lot 3.3: RTD Professional Services Structural Engineers This framework seeks to offer the benefits of bespoke rooftop developments that create the provision of additional dwellings. The framework will provide additional services to support other rooftop developments. The framework is to operate across England and Wales and will be open to all UK public sector bodies to access via a Joining Agreement between WCH, the supplier and Pretium Frameworks Ltd, who WCH has appointed to administer the framework on its behalf. This Lot will create a framework of RTD professional structural engineers that will be engaged to provide support within the RTD processes of Lot 1 and Lot 2. These services will be defined on a project by project basis. Additional information: It is envisaged that this Lot will be awarded to 6 suppliers


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3 years ago

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2 years ago

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Watford Community Housing Trust

Maaz Ussen

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