Stadtverwaltung Hockenheim tenders and contracts
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Hockenheim, Germany
Stadtverwaltung Hockenheim tenders & contracts
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- NHS Lanarkshire
- Liverpool City Region L E P
- Calvay Housing Association
- London Stadium 185
- Queen Elizabeth's Grammar School Ashbourne Academy
- National Shared Services Office (NSSO)
- Wessex Water Services Limited
- The Health Insurance Authority
- The Cottesloe School
- St James' CE Infant School
- Sandhurst School
- St Agnes Parish Council
Explore topics of interest to Stadtverwaltung Hockenheim
Explore similar open tenders, recent contract awards and upcoming contract expiries, based on topics relating to Stadtverwaltung Hockenheim
- Construction work
- Building construction work
- Architectural design services
- Sewage, refuse, cleaning and environmental services
- Electrical machinery, apparatus, equipment and consumables; lighting
- Real estate services
- Construction work for houses
- Building-cleaning services
- Canteen and catering services
- Demolition work
- Building demolition and wrecking work and earthmoving work
- Painting work
- Modular and portable buildings
- Plastering work
- Electrical engineering installation works
Explore sources Stadtverwaltung Hockenheim publishes to
Stotles aggregates data from every government procurement data source into one platform. Explore the sources Stadtverwaltung Hockenheim and thousands more publish contracts to below.