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Wexford County Council tenders and contracts

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Wexford County Council tenders & contracts

  • Open

    Published 2 days ago

    Architectural Team for a new Advanced Technology Building, Enniscorthy Business Park, Kilagoley, Wexford

    time-iconClose date: 22/10/2024

    Architectural Team for a new Advanced Technology Building, Enniscorthy Business Park, Kilagoley, Wexford Architectural Team for a new Advanced Technology Building, Enniscorthy Business Park, Kilagoley, Wexford

  • Open

    Published 16 days ago

    Proposed Corock River Blueway - Stage 2 NIS

    time-iconClose date: 11/10/2024

    Provision of Consultancy Services consisting of a Stage 2 Natura Impact Assessment of the proposed Corock River Blueway Provision of Consultancy Services consisting of a Stage 2 Natura Impact Assessment of the proposed Corock River Blueway...

  • Open

    Published 19 days ago

    Used Asphalt Paving Machine

    time-iconClose date: 07/10/2024

    Tender for the supply of a used 6 wheel paving machine with less than 500 hours for use by Wexford County Council Machinery Yard Tender for the supply of a used 6 wheel paving machine with less than 500 hours for use by Wexford County Council Machinery Ya...

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    Published a month ago

    Purchase of 5 New 26 Tonne Winter Service Vehicles

    time-iconClose date: 30/09/2024

    This tender is for the provision of 5x new 26 tonne winter service vehicles for the Winter Maintenance Operation for Wexford County Council This tender is for the provision of 5x new 26 tonne winter service vehicles for the Winter Maintenance Operation fo...

  • Open

    Published 2 years ago

    Provision of Occupational Therapist Services to Wexford County Council 2022-2026

    time-iconClose date: 20/09/2026

    The Occupational Therapist will principally be required to undertake the following services in relation to the Housing Adaptation Grant Scheme for People with a Disability, the Mobility Aids Grant Scheme for all applicants in the county area. - Carry out...


Top suppliers to Wexford County Council

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Supplier nameSME?Number of awardsView awards
Park 100 Fire & SecurityUnknown17View awards
Quarryview Delevopment LtdUnknown7View awards
MJS Civil Engineering LtdUnknown5View awards
Declan KennedyYes5View awards
Glas Civil Engineering LtdYes5View awards

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