Beschaffungs- und Vergabecenter Behörde für Justiz und Verbraucherschutz tenders and contracts
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Beschaffungs- und Vergabecenter Behörde für Justiz und Verbraucherschutz tenders & contracts
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- Northumbria Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
- South Downs National Park Authority
- Leighton Linslade Town Council
- BWPC (Acute)
- Calvay Housing Association
- Tenet Education Services Ltd
- Institute of Technology Carlow
- Argyll and the Isles Coast and Countryside Trust (ACT)
- Ministry of Defence, Ships, Salvage and Marine Operations (S&MO)
- Affinity Water Limited
- Manor Multi Academy Trust
- Godstone Parish Council
- Guilsborough Academy
- William Howard Trust
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