Bordeaux Métropole et communes tenders and contracts
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Bordeaux Métropole et communes tenders & contracts
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- West Midlands Police
- Irish Blood Transfusion Service
- Iarnrod Eireann-Irish Rail
- Department of Finance
- Weston College
- Heathrow Airport Ltd
- Eastern Multi Academy Trust
- Trinity Laban Conservatoire of Music and Dance
- Institute of Technology Blanchardstown
- North East London Foundation Trust and Barnet Enfield and Haringey NHS Trust
- The Emmbrook School
Explore topics of interest to Bordeaux Métropole et communes
Explore similar open tenders, recent contract awards and upcoming contract expiries, based on topics relating to Bordeaux Métropole et communes
- Refuse and waste related services
- Environmental issues consultancy services
- Survey services
- Housing services
- Refuse disposal and treatment
- Internet services
- Non-hazardous refuse and waste treatment and disposal services
- Database and operating software package
- Waste and rubbish containers and bins
- Specialist vehicles
- Motor vehicle insurance services
- Coaching services
- Refuse collection services
- Maintenance of information technology software
- Damage or loss insurance services
Explore sources Bordeaux Métropole et communes publishes to
Stotles aggregates data from every government procurement data source into one platform. Explore the sources Bordeaux Métropole et communes and thousands more publish contracts to below.