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Caledonian Sleeper Limited tenders and contracts

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Inverness, United Kingdom

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Caledonian Sleeper Limited tenders & contracts

  • Open

    Published 11 days ago

    Glasgow and London Laundry Services

    price-tag-icon2,500,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 18/04/2025

    This tender is for the collection, inspection, laundering and re-delivery of bedding and towels used on our trains across 2 locations. Lot 1: Glasgow Polmadie Depot Laundry Services This lot is for the collection, inspection, laundering and re-delivery of...

  • Open

    Published 11 days ago

    Glasgow and London Laundry Services

    price-tag-icon2,500,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 18/04/2025

    This tender is for the collection, inspection, laundering and re-delivery of bedding and towels used on our trains across 2 locations. Lot 1: Glasgow Polmadie Depot Laundry Services This lot is for the collection, inspection, laundering and re-delivery of...

  • Open

    Published 18 days ago

    Managed Service Provider

    price-tag-icon1,500,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 15/04/2025

    The Managed service provider (MSP) will provide support and management for various IT functions, including helpdesk, hardware support, security monitoring, cloud services, and user management. Lot 1: The Managed service provider (MSP) will provide suppor...

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  • Open

    Published 18 days ago

    Managed Service Provider

    price-tag-icon1,500,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 11/04/2025

    The Managed service provider (MSP) will provide support and management for various IT functions, including helpdesk, hardware support, security monitoring, cloud services, and user management. Lot 1: The Managed service provider (MSP) will provide suppor...


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