Samtgemeinde Kirchdorf tenders and contracts
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Samtgemeinde Kirchdorf tenders & contracts
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- West London NHS Trust
- Calvay Housing Association
- Blackpool Coastal Housing
- Wales & West Utilities Ltd
- Association of North East Councils Ltd trading as NEPO (Central Purchasing Body)
- Limerick City Council
- Affinity Water Limited
- Shenley Churchend Parish Council
- Gorslas Community Council
- Bovey Tracey Town Council
- Chase Bridge Primary School
- Hockley Parish Council
- Hemingford Abbots Parish Council
- High School for Girls
Explore topics of interest to Samtgemeinde Kirchdorf
Explore similar open tenders, recent contract awards and upcoming contract expiries, based on topics relating to Samtgemeinde Kirchdorf
- Construction work
- Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
- Recreational, cultural and sporting services
- Roof repair and maintenance work
- Construction work for highways, roads
- Road construction works
- Primary school construction work
- Roof-covering work
- Road-maintenance works
- Road-repair works
- Roadworks
- Roof-covering and roof-painting work
- Site-development work
- Safety barriers
- Fire-brigade uniforms