Peter McVerry Trust_121127 tenders and contracts
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Dublin, Ireland
Peter McVerry Trust_121127 tenders & contracts
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- Highways England
- West Midlands Police
- Wexford County Council
- Thames Water Utilities Limited
- Cork Institute of Technology
- The Adelaide & Meath Hospital, Dublin Incorporating The National Children's Hospital (AMNCH)
- Northern Powergrid Limited
- Star Primary School
- Greater Nottingham Groundwork Trust
- Grange Park Primary School
- The Charter School
- East Northants Council
Explore topics of interest to Peter McVerry Trust_121127
Explore similar open tenders, recent contract awards and upcoming contract expiries, based on topics relating to Peter McVerry Trust_121127
- Construction work
- Repair and maintenance services
- Building construction work
- Hire of passenger transport vehicles with driver
- Refurbishment work
- Construction work for multi-dwelling buildings and individual houses
- Cleaning services
- Motor vehicles
- Special-purpose road passenger-transport services
- Catering services
- Site preparation work
- Construction work for houses
- Non-scheduled passenger transport
- Canteen and catering services
- Accommodation, building and window cleaning services
Explore sources Peter McVerry Trust_121127 publishes to
Stotles aggregates data from every government procurement data source into one platform. Explore the sources Peter McVerry Trust_121127 and thousands more publish contracts to below.