Samtgemeinde Grafschaft Hoya c/o Landkreis Nienburg/Weser - Zentrale Vergabestelle tenders and contracts
Learn everything you need to know about Samtgemeinde Grafschaft Hoya c/o Landkreis Nienburg/Weser - Zentrale Vergabestelle. Gain insights into Samtgemeinde Grafschaft Hoya c/o Landkreis Nienburg/Weser - Zentrale Vergabestelle's purchasing trends, open tenders, recent contract awards and upcoming contract expiries. Approach decision-makers within Samtgemeinde Grafschaft Hoya c/o Landkreis Nienburg/Weser - Zentrale Vergabestelle directly or access Samtgemeinde Grafschaft Hoya c/o Landkreis Nienburg/Weser - Zentrale Vergabestelle via partner suppliers.
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Samtgemeinde Grafschaft Hoya c/o Landkreis Nienburg/Weser - Zentrale Vergabestelle tenders & contracts
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- North Somerset Council
- Norfolk Constabulary and Suffolk Constabulary Procurement Unit
- Monaghan County Council
- North London Waste Authority
- Big Lottery Fund
- The Growth Company
- Ministry of Defence, Ships, Queen Elizabeth Class
- Cranleigh Parish Council
- Golden Gates Housing Trust Ltd
- Ilkley Parish Council
- Upper Rissington Parish Council
- West Lodge Primary School
- Hull and Humber Chamber of Commerce
Explore topics of interest to Samtgemeinde Grafschaft Hoya c/o Landkreis Nienburg/Weser - Zentrale Vergabestelle
Explore similar open tenders, recent contract awards and upcoming contract expiries, based on topics relating to Samtgemeinde Grafschaft Hoya c/o Landkreis Nienburg/Weser - Zentrale Vergabestelle
- Works for complete or part construction and civil engineering work
- Demolition work
- Building demolition and wrecking work and earthmoving work
- Mechanical engineering installation works
- Painting work
- Electrical engineering installation works
- Electrical installation work of heating and other electrical building-equipment
- Network infrastructure
- Scaffolding work
- Siteworks
- Landscaping work for gardens
- Heat pumps
- Tablet computer
- Metalworking
- Floor-covering work