Rambouillet tenders and contracts
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Rambouillet tenders & contracts
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- Upcoming contract expiries
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- Hull City Council
- Moat Homes Ltd
- St James's Hospital
- Consumer Council for Water
- Medicines Discovery Catapult
- Department of Health
- Woodbridge Town Council
- British Transport Police Authority
- The Holy Spirit Catholic Multi Academy Company
- Valuation Office
- St Matthew's RC High School
- Alban City School
- Solon South West Housing Association
Explore topics of interest to Rambouillet
Explore similar open tenders, recent contract awards and upcoming contract expiries, based on topics relating to Rambouillet
- Construction work
- IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
- Roof works and other special trade construction works
- Motor vehicles
- Special-purpose road passenger-transport services
- Architectural, engineering and planning services
- Auditing services
- Energy-efficiency consultancy services
- Building-cleaning services
- Plumbing and sanitary works
- Landscaping work
- Roof repair and maintenance work
- Feasibility study, advisory service, analysis
- Asbestos-removal work
- Heating, ventilation and air-conditioning installation work