Bailly-Romainvilliers tenders and contracts
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Bailly-Romainvilliers tenders & contracts
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- Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
- First Choice Homes Oldham
- Broadland Housing Association
- Hanover (Scotland) Housing Association
- NHS Golden Jubilee
- The Careers and Enterprise Company
- Broadcasting Authority of Ireland
- West Midlands Growth Company Ltd
- Mary Immaculate College
- Department of the Taoiseach
- Hazelwick School
- Hadrian Learning Trust
Explore topics of interest to Bailly-Romainvilliers
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- IT services: consulting, software development, Internet and support
- Architectural and related services
- Insurance services
- Building-cleaning services
- Painting work
- Legal advisory and representation services
- School meals
- Planting and maintenance services of green areas
- Telecommunications network
- Joinery work
- Tree pruning and hedge trimming
- Road-repair works
- Miscellaneous food products
- Street-lighting maintenance services
- Internet network