Dirección General de la Fundación Centro Cultural Internacional Oscar Niemeyer-Principado de Asturias tenders and contracts
Learn everything you need to know about Dirección General de la Fundación Centro Cultural Internacional Oscar Niemeyer-Principado de Asturias. Gain insights into Dirección General de la Fundación Centro Cultural Internacional Oscar Niemeyer-Principado de Asturias's purchasing trends, open tenders, recent contract awards and upcoming contract expiries. Approach decision-makers within Dirección General de la Fundación Centro Cultural Internacional Oscar Niemeyer-Principado de Asturias directly or access Dirección General de la Fundación Centro Cultural Internacional Oscar Niemeyer-Principado de Asturias via partner suppliers.
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Avilés, Spain
Dirección General de la Fundación Centro Cultural Internacional Oscar Niemeyer-Principado de Asturias tenders & contracts
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- Rotherham Metropolitan Borough Council
- B3 Living Ltd
- Health Research Authority (HRA)
- Independent Police Complaints Commission
- NHS England and NHS Improvement — Midlands
- Ministry of Defence, Ships, Maritime Platform Systems (MPS)
- Shared Services Connected Limited
- Kirkby High School
- Business Services Organisation, Procurement and Logistics Service on behalf of Northern Health and Social Care Trust
- The Charter School
- Highdown School
- Hockley Parish Council
Explore topics of interest to Dirección General de la Fundación Centro Cultural Internacional Oscar Niemeyer-Principado de Asturias
Explore similar open tenders, recent contract awards and upcoming contract expiries, based on topics relating to Dirección General de la Fundación Centro Cultural Internacional Oscar Niemeyer-Principado de Asturias
- Health and social work services
- Transport services (excl. Waste transport)
- Software package and information systems
- Supply services of personnel including temporary staff
- Recruitment services
- Recreational, cultural and sporting services
- Financial and insurance services
- Cleaning services
- Security services
- Repair and maintenance services of electrical and mechanical building installations
- Road transport services
- Auditing services
- Printing and related services
- Health and safety consultancy services
- Advertising services