Uckermärkische Dienstleistungsgesellschaft mbH tenders and contracts
Learn everything you need to know about Uckermärkische Dienstleistungsgesellschaft mbH. Gain insights into Uckermärkische Dienstleistungsgesellschaft mbH's purchasing trends, open tenders, recent contract awards and upcoming contract expiries. Approach decision-makers within Uckermärkische Dienstleistungsgesellschaft mbH directly or access Uckermärkische Dienstleistungsgesellschaft mbH via partner suppliers.
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Prenzlau, Germany
Uckermärkische Dienstleistungsgesellschaft mbH tenders & contracts
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- Upcoming contract expiries
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- Moat Homes Ltd
- Christchurch and East Dorset Council
- Medicines Discovery Catapult
- Tipperary Education and Training Board
- Housing and Care 21
- Orchard Hill College and Academy Trust
- Holy Trinity School
- Irish Medtech Skillnet
- Clanmil Developments Ltd
- Eckington Parish Council
- Red Kite Schools Trust
- Priory School
Explore topics of interest to Uckermärkische Dienstleistungsgesellschaft mbH
Explore similar open tenders, recent contract awards and upcoming contract expiries, based on topics relating to Uckermärkische Dienstleistungsgesellschaft mbH
- Construction work
- Refuse and waste related services
- Engineering services
- Data services
- Computer-related services
- Installation of doors and windows and related components
- Non-hazardous refuse and waste treatment and disposal services
- Installation of doors and windows
- Database and operating software package
- Machinery for mining, quarrying, construction equipment
- Joinery work
- Special-purpose motor vehicles
- Waste disposal site construction work
- Vehicles for refuse
- Winter-maintenance vehicles
Explore sources Uckermärkische Dienstleistungsgesellschaft mbH publishes to
Stotles aggregates data from every government procurement data source into one platform. Explore the sources Uckermärkische Dienstleistungsgesellschaft mbH and thousands more publish contracts to below.