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Skillnet Ireland tenders and contracts

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Skillnet Ireland tenders & contracts

  • Open

    Published 19 days ago

    RFT for the Provision of Public Relations Services

    price-tag-icon200,000 EURtime-iconClose date: 04/04/2025

    Skillnet Ireland are seeking to increase the awareness and understanding of what they do amongst key target audiences and to demonstrably showcase their achievements through national and regional PR campaigns. Skillnet Ireland Seeks a Public Relations par...


Top suppliers to Skillnet Ireland

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Supplier nameSME?Number of awardsView awards
Kathleen Halligan ConsultingUnknown2View awards
Carmel Somers Consulting LimitedUnknown2View awards
Spanish Point Technologies LtdYes1View awards
Drury Communications Ltd t/a Drury | Porter NovelliYes1View awards
Indecon Economic ConsultantsNo1View awards

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