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Government Digital Service tenders and contracts

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United Kingdom

Government Digital Service tenders & contracts

  • Open

    Published 30 days ago

    WP2248.1 & WP2248.2: SMS Provider(s) for GOV.UK Notify

    price-tag-icon1 GBPtime-iconClose date: 25/09/2024

    GOV.UK Notify is a digital communications platform, developed and run by the Government Digital Service (GDS). Notify allows public sector service teams to send notifications (text message, email and post) to their users. The notifications are typical...

  • Open

    Published 30 days ago

    WP2248.1 & WP2248.2: SMS Provider(s) for GOV.UK Notify

    time-iconClose date: 25/09/2024

    GOV.UK Notify is a digital communications platform, developed and run by the Government Digital Service (GDS). Notify allows public sector service teams to send notifications (text message, email and post) to their users. The notifications are typically ...

  • Open

    Published 30 days ago

    WP2248.1 & WP2248.2: SMS Provider(s) for GOV.UK Notify

    price-tag-icon1 GBPtime-iconClose date: 25/09/2024

    GOV.UK Notify is a digital communications platform, developed and run by the Government Digital Service (GDS). Notify allows public sector service teams to send notifications (text message, email and post) to their users. The notifications are typical...


Top suppliers to Government Digital Service

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Supplier nameSME?Number of awardsView awards
Methods Business and Digital Technology LtdYes22View awards
Deloitte LLPNo11View awards
UnboxedNo11View awards

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