Kidsgrove High School tenders and contracts
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Stoke-on-trent, United Kingdom
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Kidsgrove High School tenders & contracts
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Supplier name | SME? | Number of awards | View awards |
Arthur McKay and Sons Ltd | No | 1 | View awards |
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- Emmanuel Schools Foundation
- Red Kite Schools Trust
- Kings Norton Girls School
- Beacon Rise Primary School
- Ormiston Academies Trust
- The Harmony Trust Ltd
- Evolution Academy Trust
- Chipping Norton School
- Thomson House School
- Hinchingbrooke School
- Inspiration Trust
- Newcastle Bridges School
- Saint Pius X Catholic High School A Specialist School in Humanities
- Worthing High School
- St Ignatius College
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- Citizen Housing Group Ltd
- Longhurst Group Ltd
- Big Lottery Fund
- Grampian Housing Association Ltd
- Woodley Town Council
- Foras na Gaeilge
- Wessex Water Services Limited
- Personal Injuries Assessment Board
- Louth Leader Partnership
- The Bemrose School
- Stratfield Mortimer Parish Council
- Business Services Organisation I T S
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Explore sources Kidsgrove High School publishes to
Stotles aggregates data from every government procurement data source into one platform. Explore the sources Kidsgrove High School and thousands more publish contracts to below.