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Hyde Housing Group tenders and contracts

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London, United Kingdom

Buyer type

Housing AssocsRegistered Social Landlord~Care Home Provider~ALMO / Stock Management

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Hyde Housing Group tenders & contracts

  • Open

    Published 4 months ago

    DPS for Minor Works and Services

    price-tag-icon250,000,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 28/02/2034

    National Framework Partnership on behalf of Hyde Housing Association seeks to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System relating to Minor Works and supporting Services, for use by any UK public sector body (and any future successors to these organisations), a...

  • Open

    Published 4 months ago


    price-tag-icon125,000,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 09/06/2034

    National Framework Partnership working on behalf of Hyde Housing Association seeks to establish a Dynamic Purchasing System relating to Minor Works and supporting Services, for use by any UK public sector body (and any future successors to these organisat...

  • Open

    Published 4 months ago

    DPS - Minor Works and Services

    time-iconClose date: 09/06/2034

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Supplier nameSME?Number of awardsView awards
Global HSE Solutions LimitedYes31View awards
Kier Highways LtdNo24View awards
Kier Services LimitedUnknown21View awards
Airey Miller LimitedYes21View awards
PRP Architects LLPNo19View awards

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