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Thirteen Housing Group Ltd tenders and contracts

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Middlesbrough, United Kingdom

Buyer type

Housing AssocsRegistered Social Landlord~ALMO / Stock Management

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Thirteen Housing Group Ltd tenders & contracts

  • Open

    Published a year ago

    Property Works and Consultancy DPS

    price-tag-icon12,500,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 15/08/2030

    At Thirteen, we've been working to help improve the lives of people in our neighbourhoods for years. We provide our customers with homes, support and opportunities to grow. We own and manage 35,000 properties across the North East and Yorks...

  • Open

    Published a year ago

    Property Works and Consultancy DPS

    price-tag-icon15,000,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 31/08/2030

    Thirteen have a requirement for short/medium term delivery of the services and works detailed in the categories below and require a quicker more efficient way to engage with the market to deliver these requirements. The development of this Dynamic Purchas...

  • Open

    Published 3 years ago

    Waste Management DPS

    time-iconClose date: 22/10/2028

    At Thirteen, we've been working to help improve the lives of people in our neighbourhoods for years. We provide our customers with homes, support and opportunities to grow. We own and manage 35,000 properties across the North East and Yorks...

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  • Open

    Published 3 years ago

    Waste Management DPS

    price-tag-icon5,000,000 GBPtime-iconClose date: 29/10/2028

    Thirteen Housing Group Limited (THG) are looking to improve their waste management services and environmental footprint. As part of our strategy, we have opened our first Thirteen Recycling Centre (TRC) based in Billingham to manage waste being disposed f...

  • Open

    Published 3 years ago

    Waste Management DPS

    time-iconClose date: 22/10/2028

    At Thirteen, we've been working to help improve the lives of people in our neighbourhoods for years. We provide our customers with homes, support and opportunities to grow. We own and manage 35,000 properties across the North East and Yorks...


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    Supplier nameSME?Number of awardsView awards
    ESH CONSTRUCTION LIMITEDUnknown23View awards
    Boxxe LimitedUnknown21View awards
    Vision Building Services LtdYes13View awards
    Esh Construction Limited R2: 1R 2C 3R 4C 6C 7C 8C 9CUnknown9View awards

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